Manual Testing Frameworks

An integral part of every project’s lifecycle is manual testing. The requirement to test the product in unusual situations, with new features, or from the user’s perspective for usability arises most frequently. Here we’ll go over some of the top software testing tools that manual testers can use to get the job done.

Combining manual as well as automation testing is often necessary for large and complicated projects. After that, you’ll have a full view of the app’s integrity and be able to spot major mistakes before they escalate.

Table of Contents

  • What is Hands-On Testing?
  • The 6-Step Process of Manual Testing
  • How Can Manual Testers Benefit From Testing Tools?
  • Classification of the Most Common Types of Manual Testing Technologies
  • Which Tools Are Required for Hands-On Testing?
  • What are Test Management Systems?
  • An Overview of Essential Test Management Features
  • Tracking Tool for Bugs
  • Project Management Tools
  • Tools for Manually Testing Performance

What is Hands-On Testing?

“Delivery” means that software testers engage in one-on-one communication with the software they are testing. It provides an exhaustive “first-person” perspective on the scenario. In this step, we check how well a product (or its individual part) performs in comparison to our expectations.

If you want to pass manual tests, you have to do all of the scenarios for testing by hand, with human interaction, and without scripts. Quality assurance professionals analyse the collected data, draw conclusions about the software as a whole, and provide suggestions for enhancements to specific areas, including the user interface (UI/UX). The development team working on the project receives the generated data. 

Software testing methodologies such as manual testing are examples of black-box testing, which involves looking at how an application works without seeing inside its structures or inner workings.

In particular, there are a number of aspects of manual testing that set it apart. So that we can better grasp it, let’s take a quick look at this procedure. 

The 6-Step Process of Manual Testing:

  • Review all of the project documents, including the software project guidelines and AUT.
  • Write test cases to verify that the product meets all specifications listed in the manual.
  • Get stakeholders’ approval after discussing and reviewing prepared test cases.
  • Carrying out the test and rectifying any mistakes discovered through further documentation in the testing report.
  • Provide information so that developers can enhance the product and resolve any issues.
  • Running the test cases again to verify that they have resolved all issues.
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Utilising this method in tandem with automated testing is a common component of the software development process (SDLC). This happens frequently, particularly for big test projects that have a lot of complicated features. But what if picking one is inevitable? Knowing the ins and outs of the two methods is hence of the utmost importance.

How Can Manual Testers Benefit From Testing Tools?

Using these specialised manual testing tools, you may monitor test results in real-time as well as locate software faults and issues. They can take a more holistic approach, like exploratory tests, or they can refer to a particular category, like functional, API, or online service testing.

From designing tests to analysing their results, QA testing management systems have you covered. Project collaboration services, such as those that help define and distribute tasks, function well with them as well.

This means that experts may optimise software testing and carry out tests rapidly by making use of a wide range of technologies. Learn more about it with proper Manual Training

Classification of the Most Common Types of Manual Testing Technologies:

  • Monitoring software defects across the SDLC.
  • Targeted software testing, including user interface and experience concerns.
  • Managing tests while integrating with different programmes.
  • Management of collaborative projects.
  • Making data at random (including test data) using a pre-existing template.
  • Additional utilities for web browsers.

Which Tools Are Required for Hands-On Testing?

An online platform for managing software testing in accordance with test plans as well as tracking results is known as a test management system (TMS). Planning, collecting outcomes data, accessing detailed reports in real-time, and handling users are the main functions.

One way to make manual testing as quick, easy, and versatile as possible is to use a test management solution. Since they are compatible with a wide range of frameworks, these systems are typically also good candidates for automated testing.

What are Test Management Systems?

Developers, quality assurance, and even nontechnical workers like business analysts and project managers may all find what they need in this all-inclusive system. Here, you may operate with both automated and manual tests in the same environment, thanks to the all-in-one method.

An Overview of Essential Test Management Features:

  • Test Automation. If you need to automate your manual tests, you may accomplish so with a single click in the system (you can even import autotests).
  • Managing tests. The user has the ability to create, edit, run, as well as report test cases.
  • Data & Reports. There is an easy-to-read format for the indications, and everyone can see them.
  • Agile Workflow methodology. Flexibility in the workplace and better communication between technical and non-technical staff are two of TMS’s primary goals.
  • Integrating CI with CD. Gitlab, Jenkins, AzureDevOps, CircleCI, as well as Bamboo are just a few of the major platforms that test management offers seamless connectivity with.
  • TestLink

Popular among IT team leaders, testers, & developers, this application helps with test management. Its primary function is to regulate, monitor, and arrange the processes involved in software testing.

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A wide variety of features, including those for planning, scripted as well as manual testing, and outcome reporting, are available on the platform. And it works with all sorts of automation software.

  • TestRall

A free and open-source framework for managing quality assurance testing, including scripting and arranging tests, organising them, and passing them on directly. You have the ability to create, evaluate, and save reports as well.

The test schedule, case, user, tasks, and requirements are the fundamental components, as is the case with many other systems.

Tracking Tool for Bugs

It’s the name of the programme that QA engineers use to track out software bugs, analyse them, and manage their removal. A database that keeps track of the found defects is its most important part. It contains:

  • details about the product’s erroneous behaviour, 
  • the user who discovered the issue, the date of detection, 
  • the significance (and priority), and the person who resolved the problem
  • where the issue stands at the moment.
  • Depending on the administrator’s preferences, users might have either full or restricted access to the QA testing data. 
  • With this setup, tracking how quickly programmers are able to resolve issues becomes much simpler. 

The following should be considered if you are seeking a trustworthy tool for tracking bugs:

  • Jira

Mistakes and task management made easy. Agile development as well as requirements/scenario management are two areas where it excels. When it comes to collaborating, creating code, and releasing products, Jira may be your one-stop shop. One way to improve team cohesion and test management skills is to integrate TMS with Jira.

  • Linear

A place to organise and work on projects using lists or kanban boards. Priority, performer, circumstance, tag, project, and attachment of files and links are all customisable for each task. You can connect it to other tools and services for managing tasks in development.

Project Management Tools

  • The system streamlines the process of QAs, Devs, and PMs by integrating various features such as projects, tasks, states, knowledge bases, agile as well as kanban boards, and more. Anyone with a computer or mobile device can view the data.
  • Smart cooperation, which includes automation testing, simplifies application lifecycle management. Trello is an excellent example.
  • It’s an aesthetically pleasing tool with an intuitive UI that can accommodate teams of any size. Included are kanban boards, which allow for the most efficient and hassle-free execution of agile projects. 
  • Simplifying day-to-day operations is possible for Agile development and operations teams.
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Tools for Manually Testing Performance

The performance of products under load is what performance testing is all about. This includes things like the amount of users using the programme at once, the time it takes for processes to execute at different intensities, the limitations of performance with increased load, and how well the product does under high, severe, and stress loads.

There are various kinds of tests that are based on the features. Under typical circumstances, load testing is carried out. Both volume as well as stress testing necessitate processing of increasingly large data sets. Prolonged operation determines stability.

  • Testing APIs Tools

The purpose of these manual testing tools is to identify programmatic or system-level communication issues. The QA engineer verifies the output data by sending input data in a request.

The software testing tool verifies that the system has the intended functionality and can adequately accommodate integrations. Here we see the relevance of performance, security, dependability, and proper operations as factors.

  • Testing Tools for User Experience and User Interface Manually

The QA engineer verifies the controls and how they react to user input using this software testing tool. While graphical user interfaces (GUIs) focus on how things seem and work, user experience (UX) aims for optimal usage.

Knowing how the final product will communicate with the consumer is helpful in most cases. It would be great if the product could be easily accessible, user-friendly, and compatible with a wide range of devices and working systems.

  • Exploratory Testing Tools

Operations are both planned and carried out simultaneously. Many aspects of a manual test are up to the tester’s judgement since they aren’t defined in advance. A lack of well-defined test plans does not prevent them from adapting the processes to the product’s real behaviour.

As software testing gets smarter, finding errors faster and more accurately becomes more likely. When building testing environments and test cases, this comes in handy, but it really shines in complicated scenarios when the product has little information.

The Exploratory Testing Chrome Extension is probably the best known of its kind. You may capture screenshots, export/import sessions, view leads to reports, store sessions, and more using this testing tool. It also lets you submit errors and ideas easily.

  • Generating a Random Data

In order to facilitate the verification process, the service fabricates data. Their structure and formatting can be arbitrary or organised. Database management systems (DBMSs) and databases built to handle and store massive volumes of data can benefit from this.

To produce the required data type, a random data generator generates a stream of bits. Furthermore, intelligent generators are available for complex code analysis, while goal generators are available for path test data.


Projects involving tiny, short-lived web applications that rely heavily on product feedback necessitate manual testing. As we proceed down this page, we’ll think about how these tests fit into software development as well as how manual test tools might be best for the job.